Kindsey Pentecost - Porn and Human Trafficking

This week, we get to hear from the wonderful Kindsey Pentecost about a couple of topics that get swept under the carpet a lot: porn and human trafficking.
This week, we get to hear from the wonderful Kindsey Pentecost about a couple of topics that get swept under the carpet a lot: porn and human trafficking. We talk about their possible effects and links between the two. We also talk about how shame plays a role in people staying silent if they find themselves caught in a lifestyle they cannot escape. 

Kindsey is a qualified instructor with experience in training people to identify victims of human trafficking. She has a Masters degree in criminal justice from the USA and serves on the board of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. She is also an author, podcast host, coach, and serves as CMO of the It Works wellness company. 

You can find her podcast, "The Balanced Girl" on Spotify, Apple, and Google. To read more about her work and get involved with human trafficking awareness, visit her site: 

The Unshamed podcast talks about important topics that are culturally taboo when it comes to the female body, mind, and soul. We want to break down shame that surrounds these topics so women can be empowered in their everyday lives. 

Unshamed Podcast is hosted by Katy Edgmon and is sponsored by Zoe Community.

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